
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Garbage Collection and Scope

Garbage collection (GC) is one of those programming language features that you are supposed to not have to think about, but anyone who has tried to optimize the performance of Java applications will know that managing memory is often the most effective way of speeding things up. The less time the garbage collector has to spend running, the more time your program can have to run. I recently came across an aspect of code design that turns out to have a significant impact on memory performance. Consider the following program:

It is a toy program, but it is designed the emulate the following sequence of events (both the handle1 and handle2 methods):
  • you receive a raw stream of bytes from somewhere, e.g. the network;
  • you deserialize the bytes into something meaningful, e.g. a web request; and
  • you do some processing with the deserialized data, e.g. handling a web request by doing some database operations and returning a response.
Here we are getting the bytes by just allocating a 256MB array and then "deserializing" the bytes into integers. And lastly, the "processing" consists of just repeatedly allocating 1MB arrays until we hit an error (in particular, we are expecting an OutOfMemoryError). The idea is that the handleInts method figures out roughly how much free memory the JVM has at the point at which it is called (forcing GC as necessary) in order to evaluate the relative efficiency of the two versions of code.

It turns out that handle2 is about 256MB more efficient than handle1 as measured by the number of allocations done in handleInts, despite the fact that the two methods are functionally identical. The reason is scope, although not quite in the traditional programming language sense. We have two representations of the data in the code, one as an array of bytes and the other as an array of integers, each of which is about 256MB in size. Conceptually, once we have deserialized the bytes as integers, we can discard the array of bytes, i.e. allow it to be garbage collected. And that is exactly what happens in handle2; the scope of the array of bytes is limited to the time during which it is being deserialized. In handle1, however, we are passing the array of bytes as a method parameter to the method which eventually ends up calling handleInts. That means, in particular, that a reference to the array is living on the call stack, which is a GC root, so it cannot be garbage collected while the method is running.

In my mind, this example raises some interesting questions about how code should be designed and the impact of different design patterns on GC performance. Specifically, we know that having a very deep call stacks, especially when methods do transformations on the data, can lead to larger retained sets of objects (those that cannot be collected) than intended. In an ideal world, a programmer using a language with built-in memory management should not have to be concerned with this, though, so it would be even better if the compiler or JVM could identify this type of situation and make the correct optimization.

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