One of the focal points in the design of Go is dependencies, which might seem like a strange thing to get worked up over, but turns out to have a big effect on compilation time, especially if you're coming from the C++ world (which much of Google is). I won't go into too much detail, but this section in the article details the problems that Google experienced while building C++ binaries that caused header files to be read by the compiler tens of thousands of times. Most modern programming languages have already found ways to be more efficient when importing dependencies, but it's interesting to note that Go was observed to be around fifty times better than C++ in this area while having a similar import model. The more unique design choice that they made regarding imports was to require the package name when referencing anything from an external package. For example, here's a quick JSON parsing example:
Three packages are imported at the top: json, fmt, and strings. Note that we do not import a specific class, but rather an entire package. Any references to classes or functions from that package require you to scope it with the package name, e.g. json.NewDecoder or strings.NewReader. I am a big fan of this "limitation" because it avoids name collisions and makes it clear which dependencies are being used where. This is particularly important in Go because the compiler is very strict about which dependencies are imported; an unused dependency is actually a compile error in the language (another thing I am a big fan of). I believe that Go's somewhat unorthodox choices on how to handle dependencies make the code more understandable by both humans and computers.
To wrap up the discussion of imports, let's look at another unusual choice regarding naming, specifically capitalization. While most languages have no requirements and rely on conventions for capitalization (Erlang being a notable exception), Go decides to use capitalization as a first-class differentiator for scoping. That is, uppercase names (e.g. NewDecoder and NewReader in the above example) are visible to clients of the package while lowercase ones are not. While this takes some getting used to, the overall benefit to readability seems clear; instead of scattering public and private like in Java or re-declaring public signatures like in C++, programmers simply need to pay attention to the case of a class or function to determine its scope. To quote the article again, "The name is, after all, what clients of the package use; putting the visibility in the name rather than its type means that it's always clear when looking at an identifier whether it is part of the public API. After using Go for a while, it feels burdensome when going back to other languages that require looking up the declaration to discover this information."
Within just dependencies and naming, Go already shows many signs of deviating from the norm in order to achieve its singular goal: programmer productivity when building large-scale systems. In the future, I'll explore additional unique aspects of Go, including some of the more fundamental language semantics like inheritance (or, rather, the lack thereof), concurrency, and garbage collection.
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