
Monday, August 26, 2013

Clojure Memoization

One really cool feature of Clojure that I came across is its built-in support for memoization. Memoization is a simple technique where you save the results of function calls so that next time the function is called with the same arguments you return the saved result. It is often useful when applying dynamic programming to problems because you will repeatedly solve the same sub-problems and memoizing the results makes algorithms efficient. Clojure has a built-in memoize function which takes in another function and memoizes calls to it (presumably storing the results in a map). Whereas traditionally you need to create a map yourself and manually check at the beginning of your function whether the result has already been computed, Clojure simplifies it so that you hardly need to change the implementation at all. Here's an example:

The first function, fib, is the standard, recursive implementation of Fibonacci. The second, fib-memo-wrong, is a misapplication of memoize, though it would be great if it actually worked. The problem is that fib-memo-wrong can only memoize the calls to fib that actually go through itself, which means in particular that none of the recursive calls are memoized, defeating the purpose of implementing Fibonacci efficiently. The last function is the correct implementation of fib-memo which is quite similar to fib but includes a memoize step inside, which indicates that all results of the function will be memoized since the recursive calls go through the same path. The key point is that we never had to specify a map or explicitly tell Clojure what arguments/results to memoize, which is very convenient.

Having implemented memoization in C++ countless numbers of times during programming contests, I was pretty excited when I saw this in Clojure. It wasn't quite as easy as I had hoped (fib-memo-wrong would be ideal), but being able to provide this functionality in a clean way within a language is still nice. It is not easy to write this as a utility in other languages because it has to be completely generic over the argument list, so building it into the language might be the only way to go. Bonus points to Clojure for doing so.

To end, here is proof that the implementations work as I described:

user=> (time (fib 40))
"Elapsed time: 6511.060066 msecs"
user=> (time (fib-memo-wrong 40))
"Elapsed time: 6387.369829 msecs"
user=> (time (fib-memo-wrong 40))
"Elapsed time: 0.034988 msecs"
user=> (time (fib-memo 40))
"Elapsed time: 0.464636 msecs"

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