
Friday, January 4, 2013

Mockito (Part 1)

Mockito is a really neat Java/Scala mocking framework that I recently came across. I'm familiar with mocking frameworks that use dynamic proxies to mock interfaces, which are already pretty magical in their use of reflection to intercept method calls. They also have many uses beyond testing and are a good tool to understand. Mockito goes beyond that in its magic, in ways that I previously thought impossible in the Java language. Consider the following example:

This code outputs "bar 2" as you might expect from reading it (it's not quite the same semantics as Mockito, but very close). The interesting things to note here are the fact that SomeClass is just a normal class, not an interface, and the when/thenReturn paradigm (these are static methods in Mockito, along with mock). Looking at the code, it's clear that the call to foo is intercepted/overridden to return something more than just a StringInt object. Otherwise, calling when on it would not be able to accomplish what this code does.

But we are in a type-safe language, so mock needs to return an object which is a subclass of SomeClass that intercepts the foo method call to return an object which is a subclass of StringInt that contains enough information to mock out future calls to foo (e.g. which method was called and what the mocked return value should be). In other words, to not break type safety, we need to create subclasses of these classes that can add on the extra required functionality. Because these subclasses don't exist at compile-time, their bytecode needs to be generated at run-time, which turns out to be possible. The dynamic nature in which this happens is the reason that we can take (almost) any class and create a mock for it with very few assumptions about the original class.

cglib is a bytecode manipulation library whose purpose is to "extend Java classes and implement interfaces at run-time." The Enhancer in particular allows you to create an instance of a dynamically-generated class which can:
  • subclass any non-final class,
  • have callbacks for method interception, and
  • implement additional interfaces.
For example:

Using SomeClass from the previous example, we dynamically generate a subclass for it that uses a method interceptor to return a different object. This code also outputs "bar 2" and gives us a little bit of insight into how these dynamically-generated subclasses can be used to get the mocking behavior in Mockito. If we can create a method interceptor that somehow keeps track of the when/thenReturn calls, we should be able to substitute the return value in place of invoking the actual method.

Stay tuned for part 2 which will demonstrate how this is done and a very minimal implementation of Mockito functionality.

Edit: Part 2 is here.

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